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Cold Spell, by Jackson Pearce

Updated: Mar 31, 2022

Jackson Pearce has turned the recrafting of fairy tales into an art form. Cold Spell is the book that ties all of that together. Brining prior books Sisters Red, Sweetly and Fathomless together in this climatic novel which will illuminate you to the true complexity of Pearce’s work and the sheer depth of imagination she has put into her work.

As ever with Pearce the foreboding undertones of this novel do not miss their mark and leave a resounding discomfort under your skin. Change the way you look at the world with this creative fairy tale read.

From the blurb;

“Ginny and Kai are in love. Or so Ginny thought.

A mysterious girl with beauty as flawless as ice enchants Kai. When he is swept away by this intoxicating snow maiden, Ginny must cast aside her fears and pursue him. In the face of mortal danger, will Ginny and Kai’s love hold strong, or melt slowly away?”

The way that Pearce melds the world of fantasy with real day issues is beautiful and astonishing. Her captivating story telling style will draw you in and leave you spell-bound as you drift away on her fantasy.

We give Cold Spell Four Stars.

ISBN - 978-1-444-92137-3 Cover Price £6.99 Available as an eBook


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