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Greywaren, by Maggie Stiefvater

The third and final installment into the Dreamer Trilogy, and Maggie Stiefvater's last novel in the realm of YA for the foreseeable future, is an explosive conclusion to what has been a captivating, spellbinding, series.

From the blurb;

'This world was not made for a family with the power to break it. Can they save each other?

'This is the story of the Lynch family.

'Niall and Mor escaped their homeland but lost themselves.

'Declan was the responsible one - but he cannot keep his family safe.

'Ronan lived on the edge between dreams and waking, but the edge is gone and he is falling.

'Matthew was the happy child, but now rebellion beckons.

'Can the dreams be stopped? Should the dreams be stopped?'

Book two of the Dreamer Trilogy, Mister Impossible, left our characters in what seemed to be an impossible situation, so buckle in because Greywaren kicks off directly into all the action left behind from the devastating conclusion of the previous book and does not give you a chance to catch your breath as our cast of characters race to save the world and each other.

For lovers of the Raven Cycle series from which the Dreamer Trilogy was born Greywaren offers us glimpses of that beloved history and the characters who lived through those original four novels. Making Greywaren not only the perfect conclusion of the Lynch brothers arc but also a bittersweet end for the characters that came before.

Stiefvater holds nothing back with this eye-opening, fast paced, story. She delights in throwing us plot twists which pull at the heart swings and startle the reader. All while continuing to grow and transform the magic of this series which we all fell in love with from the very first moment Ronan Lynch came to life on the pages of The Raven Boys.

Once you're in to Greywaren it's impossible to get out. Through perfectly placed chapter switches between characters Stiefvater compacts a vast and complex story into an easy read novel that can be consumed in a matter of days. Her brilliant imagery draws the reader out of reality and into the crisp world of Greywaren, cheering, screaming and crying for each of the characters.

Despite it's vast cast of voices Greywaren leaves no character behind, giving us just enough of each one to experience their view of the situation, their growth and struggle, and their passion. Leaving us wanting to know more of them and yet delighted with how the book concludes for them all.

We give Greywaren Four Stars

ISBN - 978-0-702323-73-7 Cover Price - £8.99 eBook Available First published in the US. by Scholastic Inc, 2022

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