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The Uglies Series, by Scott Westerfeld

Updated: Feb 29, 2024

An amazing look into a futuristic world where control takes a whole new appearance.

Scott Westerfeld produced a fantastic series of books in the Uglies. Uglies, Pretties, Specials and Extras are all astonishing books full of plot twists, deception and beautifully crafted characters.

In the first book we are introduced to this interesting idea of our world’s future through main character Tally.

From the blurb;

'Tally cannot wait to turn sixteen, and to become Pretty. Sixteen marks the age in Tally’s city for a transformation from a repellent Ugly into a stunningly attractive and fun loving Pretty.

As a Pretty, Tally can enjoy a life of luxury, in a high-tech paradise where the only job for citizens is to have a fantastic time all day every day.

Being Pretty is the dream of every Ugly, they spend their days creating how they hope they’ll look after the transformation, but for Tally’s new friend Shay being Pretty is not the answer to happiness.

When Shay decides that she’d rather risk life outside the protection of the city and runs away, Tally learns a whole new side to the world she thought she lived in.

Tally is given an option by the authorities, and her decision will change this world forever.'

It is through Tally that we see all the sides of this world. We join her through difficult challenges, beautifully described adventures and action packed danger. In a world that Westerfeld has made addictively attractive, a utopia for the human race, we are asked to consider what is really important.

As the series progresses Tally changes from the small, slightly irritating girl we knew in the first books to someone of immense power, skill and ambition.

It’s a transformation that will make you fall in love with this main character, and which gives what could have easily become a flat story fire. In the final book, Extras, Westerfeld gives us a final and triumphant curve ball, putting us instead in the life of Aya Fuse, a girl from a different city. It is in this last book that we see how far the secrets and control in this world reach, and the truth, the full truth, is finally unveiled.

A must for YA readers, Uglies is a wonderful series which will leave you thrilled and desperate for more.

We Give The Uglies Series Five Stars


ISBN – 978-0-85707-913-8 Cover price - £6.99


ISBN – 978-0-85707-914-5 Cover price - £6.99


ISBN – 978-0-85707-915-2 Cover price - £6.99


ISBN – 978-1-4711-1640-7 Cover price - £6.99


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