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The Walls Around Us

What would you do to be the best? What would you do to remove your competition? What if the final judge could see everything you’ve done?

Nova Ren Suma’s stunning novel The Walls Around Us is a gripping young adult thriller, perfect for upcoming Halloween, this novel will defiantly put you in the mood for goose bumps and hauntings.

On the outside there’s Violet, a dancer days away from the life of her dreams when something threatens to expose the shocking truth of her achievement.

On the inside, within the walls of Aurora Hills juvenile detention centre, there’s Amber, imprisoned for so long she can’t imagine freedom.

Tying their two worlds together is Orianna, who holds the key to unlocking all the girls darkest mysteries.

An amazing novel filled with suspense, Suma ensures that the reader is left guessing as the story turns, twists and moves back and forth over the events of these girls lives.

Told from the perspectives of two very different characters, one living a dream life, the other long dead, The Walls Around Us forces the reader to accept the unacceptable and dive head first into a world that is almost impossible to pin down.

Throughout this novel we are gripped, every plot twist is an incredible revelation which changes the entire story perspective and keeps the reader gripped and guessing throughout.

Though the entire book is beautifully crafted and creates a marvellous and tantalising story arc, it is the final few chapters of this novel that leave an earth shattering impact.

Expect to be taken completely off guard by this incredible novel. An unforgettable read that you will defiantly want on your bedside table this October.

We give The Walls Around Us Five Stars. Available as an eBook Cover price £7.99

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