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Unravel Me, by Tahereh Mafi

Return to the world of Tahereh Mafi's Shatter Me series in this exciting second novel and change the world with main character Juliettte in the battle we've all been waiting for.

From the blurb;

'Juliette has escaped The Reestablishment. She has found the headquarters of the rebel resistance - and people like her. Gifted people.

'She is free from the threat of being used to kill others, and free to love Adam, the man who saved her. But Juliette will never be free from her lethal touch. Or from Warner, who wants Juliette more than she ever thought possible. Haunted by her past and terrified of her future, Juliette must choose between her heart - and the life of the one she loves.'

With the ground work laid in Shatter Me, Unravel Me allows Mafi to plunge the reader into the depths of this world, and the struggles that fill it.

With plot twists brewing, the first half of this novel focuses in on Juliette's struggles to accept her new reality, and her growing abilities. Once the stage is set we rush into the outer world and the battle that exists beyond the underground keep, unlocking secrets about this dystopia and reeling from characters shifts and plot twists that change the landscape for Juliette and force us to question the decisions she has and will make.

Mafi initially caught the interest of readers with her unique writing style in Shatter Me. Written like a very intimate diary, or more accurately like the internal monologue of main character Juliette. Shatter Me featured hundreds of lines scored out, reflecting the shifting thoughts and feelings of the character and highlighting what she thought she knew, what was true and what she was being forced to believe. However in Unravel Me we see less of this style of writing play out across the page. In a way Mafi is reflecting the growing strength of Juliette through this shift, showing that the character has fewer doubts within her resolve and understanding of the world.

While the loss of scored out sections may be a relief to readers who found Shatter Me hard to read due to them, to others it may come as a disappointment to find Mafi's unique writing style diluted.

Whatever your thoughts on Mafi's writing techniques there is no doubt that Unravel Me, with it's explosive conclusion, is a stronger book than Shatter Me and will leave readers eager to find out what happens next.

We give Unravel Me Four Stars

ISBN - 978 0 6035 8066 6 Cover Price - £8.99

First published in the USA 2013 by HarperCollins Children's Books

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