A character driven read with a full cast. In Zeroes we smoothly transition from character to character through each chapter, and through their individual takes, are transported into a world full of power.

Gifted with powers these young people are living double lives, and our authors are ready to delve into what that means for each of them.
While they may be the same age each of our six characters in this exciting novel has a very different personality, and with it a very different gift. Or curse, depending on how you look at it.
Where their powers come from is anyone's guess, whether they're the only ones in the world with such abilities is an absolute unknown, can they cause chaos? A definite yes.
Form the blurb;
'They might call themselves Zeroes, but these six former-friends have powers that set them apart from the ordinary.
'Take Ethan, a.k.a. Scam. He's got a voice inside him that'll say whatever you want to hear, whether it's true or not. Which is handy, except when it isn't - like when the voice starts talking in the middle of a bank robbery and gets you into a whole heap of trouble.
'Only the other Zeroes can help... if they agree to come back together to save Scam. But what if there was someone else that could help too? Perhaps there's a new Zero on the block?'
The very nature of this novels conception, written by three authors, allows the mix of characters to feel uniquely and unequivocally individual, allowing for the true power of the story to shine through as these six very different people must re-learn what it means to be a team and discover new ways to change their fates in a world set against them.
Setting the stage for a thrilling series Zeroes is a story of power, unity and hardship told through six voices, coming together to make a whole.
We give Zeroes Five Stars

ISBN - 978-1-4711-2489-1 Cover Price - £7.99
Avaliable as an eBook
First published in the UK by Simon & Schuster UK Ltd, 2015